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my selfie photos) (11)
Looking for: serious, romantic, long term relations
About me: I never drag the whole blanket on myself, as we say here (smile).
Qualities that I appreciate in people the most: honesty and reliability and loyalty.
My goals for the future: to find my only guy, not in an ideal guy.
My travel destinations (past or future): to recolate to a country to my future beloved
I spend a lot of time thinking about (or my dream is): to create a strong family
My favorite movies, books, music, shows: detectives, actions
My favorite food: Ukrainian dishes
Pets in my life: dogs, cats
My hobbies and what I'm good at: I'always try to find my own Way... I dont like ideologies. I like nature and Peace. I like communication with people who are tolerance and intelligent. I like simple things like some good pages in the book or a child's smile. I like to travel, swimming and walks.
Talking about sports: i like swimming, gymnastic.
The five things I can't live without: without love, friendship, good and nice people, understanding
You should message me if: you want such a woman like me.
Job: Stylist