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Just a woman (8)
Surprise Surprise (9)
Looking for: I am looking for a man who shares my values and life goals. He should be goal-oriented, ambitious and hardworking. He should be kind, caring and loving. He should be ready to start a family and share all the joys and hardships of life with me. I believe that somewhere there is a person who is perfect for me. I am open to new acquaintances and I am looking forward to the opportunity to meet my soulmate.
About me: I dream of happy love story. I believe that family is the most important thing in life, and I am ready to make every effort to create a happy home for my loved ones. I love to travel and discover new places. Our planet is full of amazing beauty, and I want to see them all. I believe that traveling broadens our horizons and helps us better understand the world and ourselves.
Qualities that I appreciate in people the most: Describing the search for me, I can confidently use the phrase "find a bride" because I am serious about finding a husband. I am not looking for a fleeting relationship or an affair. I am looking for a man with whom I can live my whole life. I believe that on a dating site I will find the man of my dreams. I am ready to wait for him as long as it takes.
My goals for the future: Travel the world and visit all continents. Start a successful business and become financially independent. Write a book or make a film. Help those in need and make the world a better place. Learn to play a musical instrument or sing. Learn a new language. Improve your skills in a specific field, such as programming, design, or cooking. Get a degree or take training in a new specialty. Become a professional athlete or artist.
My travel destinations (past or future): Our planet and cosmic space
I spend a lot of time thinking about (or my dream is): Start a family and raise children. Build the house of your dreams. Help other people achieve their goals. Live a long and healthy life. Leave behind a legacy that will inspire future generations.
My favorite movies, books, music, shows: they change too fast
My favorite food: Healthy aand nice presented breakfast
Pets in my life: cats
My hobbies and what I'm good at: I am quite good at many traditionally female activities
Talking about sports: I am a choreographer. I am very flexible and constantly moving.
Job: programmer, choreographer