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One big Gallery of me (27)
Looking for: What kind of man am I looking for? It's impossible to say! I can not describe the man with whom I am ready to live my whole life. This is unrealistic! I have to feel it. It's something inside me. Sometimes we do not know who we need. Just look, just words, just some act, and you realize that you are ready to devote your life to this man ...
About me: I believe that it makes no sense to waste time. Our life is not so long. If you want something you need to take and do not dream of sitting on the couch! If wanted to hear someone's voice call her! If you want to see someone - go to a meeting! If you wanted to go in the journey - buy a ticket! If you like woman, don't wait, kiss her! 😃 No need to wait for tomorrow! Tomorrow may never come! You need to act today! Do all dreamed about! Don't wait until tomorrow - write me now!
My travel destinations (past or future): I have been to Egypt, Turkey, Israel, Russia, Bulgaria, Moldova, Switzerland