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Looking for: I look for man with kind heart, who don’t have bad habits. I look for man who are calm, who will support me in all. Who need simple things as me. Please don’t be shy, write to me, I will not bite you!
About me: I am lady who need strong shoulder, support and care! I am simple, in all areas of life, I don’t look for a prince from tales, I just need simple man as me who will understand me and who will give tenderness to me. Be sure, I am real lady, I am here for REAL feelings. If you see my profile and scared to write me, please don’t be scared! I will be glad to get message from YOU! I wish to make my man the happiest man in this world, just because I am such person, I wish to make you always smile, I am tender, submissive lady.
My hobbies and what I'm good at: I have a lot of interests, I love to cook, I love hand-made, I love read articles about psychology, I love nature. One year ago I was in Georgia, this country inspires me. I like travel but also I love to make comfort in house for my family.